I wish I could leave the paper ICM name loaded and just change paper sizes without having to refit pages for each size change made. Must be a default in it someplace to prevent this sort of thing rather than loading a bunch of "File Saved" settings along with the ICM paper profiles both. Seems odd the QU cannot figure out " Print to Page" or "Print to Paper Selection Size" as a generic default on a paper-size change-out, rather than the subsequent waste of paper that ensues from the many small size papers coming off a larger print downsized to a smaller paper size. Seems easier with a generic " Always Fit to Page" as a Default someplace rather than a bunch of individual saves and calling them back up along with the ICM profiles both? If I understand this right. So if I understand you correctly, that means for every type of paper I use and size, say Ilford Pearl 13x19, Moab Glossy 13x19, Inkpress Metallic Satin 13x19 and then going to each of those in a 4圆 or 5x7 inch size that I need to save as those file names too with paper sizes for them too? Example: Moab Glossy 13x19, Moab Glossy 8x11.5, Moab Glossy 5x7, and Moab Glossy 4圆. The trick is to name them properly so you can recall the correct printer setup when you want it. I have DVD cover sizes, I have some for different printers.
I have saved setups with 2 5 x 7 on 8.5 x 11. May sound daunting at first, but pays you back. I have some for glossy, some for Luster, Epson and Ilford and HP papers.all the sizes that I use.
Set up Qimage with 4 x 6 and a Fit to Page print size, proper profile and driver settings, and I save that setup. Save that set up with a descriptive name.
If you right click the "P" button you can make that the default so SAVE or RECALL will always open with the "P" button. Glossy!Ĭlick FILE SAVE and click the "P" button for Print set up. I set it up for (example) an 8 x 10 print on 8.5 x 11. Here's how I have been handling this for many moons. I think you want to make sure when you change paper size that the requested print size isn't larger than the new paper size. Only way I can avoid it is to open the printer window and select "Fit to Page" which seems arduous to check each time I switch paper sizes. I need to constantly be on the lookout for the red 3x3 or similar warning (which is a pain to see on images with red) on the right image window else I end up trying to shut the entire process down via Qimage, Canon driver, and the printer spooler.
This must be in the program somewhere, but whenever I change paper size (usually to smaller) the default is that is prints maybe 3-9 images on multiple sheets of the smaller paper.